
How do I politely ask a client if they would mind requesting more services as per what they asked me to do?

I realize that the wording of my question is a little confusing. I am a first time walker and a new client just sent a request for three walks. I said great! Let's set up a meet and greet. The owner replied and then informed me that they would also like me to let their dog out in the mornings and at night (Not included in their request). I am happy to do so however, I don't have a car and Ubering three times a day/taking public transit would be expensive. How do I politely tell this owner that what they are asking for is a bit more expensive than three walks? This is my first request and I don't want to mess it up. The other issue that I am not sure how to raise with this request is that the dog is 7 months old and will be left alone for the majority of the day. I would offer to board however, my dog is just getting over kennel cough and I don't want to get another dog sick. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

2 Answers

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If you haven't accepted the request yet, you can modify the price of the request in the same page (for web) that you respond to owner messages for the visit. Otherwise, let the owner know they need to send a new request for the drop in visits. DO NOT FEEL BAD that you need to tell the owner to pay you for the work you're doing. If you wouldn't work for free as a waitress/retail worker/any other hourly job, then you shouldn't be expected to work for free as a dogsitter either. You are providing an important service and deserve to be compensated as such :)


You need to ask them to add drop in visits for the morning and evening visit.

If it is going to be too expensive for you to get to their home then you need to decide if you are willing to accept the booking.