
What if the client did not provide any supplies?

I'm brand new to Rover, and I had my first client dropped off today for four days of boarding. Unfortunately, they only brought the pup and his leash. Should I be the one to supply the dog food/treats/toys?

4 Answers

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In the future, always stress at the M&G that they are responsible for providing food and treats. it causes stomach problems to switch a dog's diet suddenly. If they show up without food, don't accept the dog.


They should have brought food at the minimum, and treats and toys if they wanted the dog to have them. If you need to buy food for the dog you need to ask them to reimburse you for it. You need to find out what the dog usually eats so he won't get sick from a food switch. Did they mention anything about how much he eats and how often?


Yes, they did. The client was also new to Rover, so I’m guessing they were not aware of this. I was able to purchase the food and will request reimbursement. Thanks!


I like to suggest they "make sure to bring their food and, of course, feel free to bring anything else that will help them be happy and comfortable. Toys, treats, blanket, etc.". I like using the words "happy and comfortable" as a reminder to the client that THAT is my focus for their dog while they're with me and also as a prompt for them to think outside the box regarding what will make their dog have a good experience.


Did you ask them where the food was when they dropped off the dog? It's possible they totally forgot to grab it. It happens. But you need to be in charge of your business and always tell people to bring crate (if they use it), blankies, favorite toys, leash, collar and tags, food and treats.


I did! But the owner had a relative drop off the pup, and he was clueless. I’ll be sure to remind clients during the meet & greet moving forward!

Don't just remind them during the M&G, send them a message the day before dropoff with your recommendations and requirements. I have a form-type message that everyone gets which specifies nice things to pack and required things.