
Profile Suggestions?

Hiya, Team -- We have been on Rover for about a month now, and have had a couple of bookings. We were wondering if some other sitters would please look at our profile and offer any feedback you may have? What seems to be a positive? Are there any weak spots? What else would you want to see when deciding?

Thanks so much in advance. This community is a great resource!

2 Answers

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If you are interested in obtaining walks, drop-ins and house sits you need to expand your service area as it only shows a few block radius, most of us starting out use 10 miles. Best of luck


When I edit my profile, it shows that I have 12 miles set? That's a pretty wide range in the KC area. Is there a different place I should be looking? Thanks!

The Map on your profile shows a very small area if you are at 12 miles it should show larger than it does.


The biggest issue I can see that could be hurting you is your limited availability, I have the same exact availability as you have so I get that. Also having a child could possibly deter some clients from booking with you if they don't feel their dog would do well in a home with a child. I say the thing about your kid because if I needed to send my dogs to get boarded I wouldn't pick of sitter with children in the home. I don't know for sure how my dogs would do in a home with children so I would never risk it.

Your profile is nice so i'm sure families who's needs fit what you are offering will want to use you.