
How do you handle friends wanting to drop their pets off for a stay "but we are friends" without being charged or going through Rover?

We have encountered friends expecting us to Pet sit without charge (even if offered a substantial discount) even now that we are running a business through Rover. Have you come up against this and how did you handle it? We have stressed the importance of the premium insurance and the fact that we are running a business.

4 Answers

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Hi Sandi -

I've got a variety of friends that I sit for, and I've had them go through Rover, regardless of what I charge them. The insurance thing is great, and it also helps them out in the future if you're unable to watch their dog - you can help set them up with another sitter in the area. Also, it allows them to leave a review for you rather than a testimonial. For some friends, they insist on paying full price (I still discounted a bit - changing their puppy's rate to the rate of an adult dog). I generally offer a big discount (like, charging $5/night) to people who are willing to occasionally watch my dogs in return, or provide some other service. So if you have friends who are massage therapists, mechanics, or brewers, barter away! I'd even be happy to trade sitting for a friend taking me out to dinner. If, however, your friends aren't willing to trade services and are just expecting you to watch their pets for (nearly) free because it's what you do, I'd explain that because you're always working, watching their dog prevents you from hosting another dog at your full rate, and you count on that income, so while you're totally willing to give them the friends/family discount (whatever amount you feel is reasonable), you aren't able to go any lower.


Thank you Laura. You make some valid points and have some additional great ideas.


I agree with Laura in that you can charge them whatever you want on Rover. Remind your friends, however, that you are running a business, and if they want to use your services they need to support your business and book through Rover.

 That makes good sense. I have house sat my friends dog

as well and never thought to set a small fee. Thankyou for the advice.


Great question and responses! Definitely set them up for a small fee through Rover to be covered by insurance and stress the importance of a positive review for your business to continue. Bartering is also a great idea for the friends going through a hard time too, but try to set it up as a small fee through Rover for the insurance coverage anyway. (Can we set it as low as a dollar? just curious)