
If requested 11am Tues thru 5pm Thurs how is that priced?

When people book Tues mid day thru Thurs evening, the website charges them only 2 overnight stays. But it's another 1/2 day for Thurs. Should I tell them that's another overnight rate? What do you guys do? Thanks so much! I'm very new on this website ; )

5 Answers

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Yes, absolutely, the boarding fee covers 24 hours of care. You may set your own policy for what to charge if the stay extends beyond that. I do daycare as well, and I have set prices for full-day (5-9 hours) and half-day (<5 hours) that I will add to a boarding bill to accommodate whatever time the owner wishes to pick up or have me drop off. This is a business for you and you need to respect your time and charge for the extra services you provide. Owners are already getting a great deal by using Rover, but you are also providing a valuable service so don't let them take advantage of you. Eight extra hours, to me, deserves an additional payment for sure.


Explain to them that each "night" of boarding is good for up to 24 hours of care. Therefore, they would need to pick up their dog by 11 am on the final day in order not to incur additional charges. Tell them you'd be happy to adjust the bill to reflect the overtime. You can put whatever you want as a charge for that portion of the day as a flat charge below the line. Make sure it is done before the customer pays, If you had a daycare rate, you could use that, but you don't.


thanks so much Karen! that makes sense ; )


Boarding is for a 24-hour period. My profile states my overtime rates so there's no surprises for the customer. If they ask for a period longer than 24 hours, I tell them that's no problem at all, and then politely ask if they've read my overtime policy on my profile.


Hi Kim, I just read your profile and I LOVE how everything is laid out for your clients. I would like to do this myself, in terms of charging x for shorter visits versus y for 24 hour visits. But i'm confused on how to charge the extra amounts? Would you mind explaining, you can send me a PM.


I'll be interested in seeing what others say too. I've had a few past stays like this and I didn't know how to go about it. In the future, if it is around 8 hours past their initial drop off time, I will propose tacking on a doggy daycare rate charge for the extra time.