
How to add tip or gratuity?

How can owner add a tip or gratuity for your sitter after stay is completed?


I left cash for the first two sitters I ever used, but neither of them took it. I've also left/given gifts, which were accepted. I'm curious what caregivers appreciate, are comfortable accepting, and what they genuinely expect. :)

The reason why they probably didn't take it, is because Rover takes the entire tip. I know from personal experience. I'm a sitter with Rover and they've taken my entire tips..

I left a review for our sitter (on the computer), but didn't notice any place to leave a tip. Yes, the button to click for leaving a review did also mention Tip, but having gone through the process, I never did see a place to leave it, and I can't find it anywhere.

4 Answers

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I always accept tips but of course never ask for them. I am most interested in the owner leaving an honest review. As Rover takes 20% of our pay for scheduled clients and 40% of our pay for Rover Now walks, it does end up being a pretty heavy cut. Particularly, as I always go above and beyond for my clients- buying them toys, buying owner approved treats, going on fun adventures to places their owner's haven't taken them yet and also some of their favorite places. Both the dog(s) and my self are pretty tired after a long weekend together having so much fun and activities!

Rover does not take a percentage of the tip. One the rover card the tip line is separate from payment and rover fees.

I personally prefer tips through the app but some clients have left me cash tips as well which I've accepted. I prefer tips through the app only because I like to have track record of Rover income in once place. I wouldn't expect actual gifts from vacations as I find that a bit unnecessary and it would probably be something I wouldn't particularly want/ the owners should save their money in that instance.


Thank you-just noticing I'm now getting tips on the app and couldn't find any info about it. Is this a new Rover thing or was that line always in the app? Either way, I'm cool with it :-)

I just joined in feb 2019 and saw the tip line as well where my payments are. It seems like this is relatively new comparing to the comments above. Great feature and glad rover isn’t trying to take a cut of our tips... that would be absurd!

This does not tell me how to leave a tip. I was able to add a tip last week and nothing popped up today to allow me.


If you wanted to add a gratuity (and you knew you wanted to before the stay), you could ask your sitter to add on $X to the stay. However, doing it that way means that Rover will take 15% of the gratuity because it will be seen as a payment for services rather than as a tip.

As a sitter, I never expect a tip. I've been tipped a few times, usually in goodies from my client's trips, like candy from Singapore, coffee and chocolate from Hawaii, etc. I've been tipped cash as well. It's all very appreciated, but it's also not something I expect from my clients. I believe I charge a fair price for my services, so tips are an exciting bonus.



Thanks Laura, that is exactly the answer I was looking for. I was wondering how much Rover took off the top, First time using Rover, so I wanted to know how to handle.

But then Rover will take a cut of that. If it’s explicitly a tip in the tip section, 20% won’t be taken off of the tip but if it’s not in that section rover will basically take that money and you don’t see it


I've had pet parents tip me when they pick up their dog. Not really something I would like to add on as a sitter even if I had the option, as I feel it's up to the owner and they shouldn't feel obligated to tip. So for that reason cash tips make the most sense. You can always keep a record of the tips somewhere other than on Rover, if you want to know exactly how much each person has paid. Probably a good idea to have a payment record off of Rover anyways for taxes and safe keeping :)


You tip your pizza delivery... why wouldn't you TIP a person that just took care of you baby; your pride and joy... your everything.. You entrust them in your LIVES! with all your belongings!!! They literally mold themselves for your pet and life and you woudn't tip or accept or expect it??????!!!


You can't add it when you do a reservation. The only way to leave a tip is when you pick up your dog, you can give the sitter cash.