
Can I specify my availability on an hourly basis, for example available 11:00-1:30 but not 1:30-3:00?

What if I am only available for part of the hour categories that are listed but not all?


It’s not something you can do in the calendar but you can add a note to your profile in hopes that pet owners read it! Good luck.

3 Answers

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In your preferences you can state what times you are available in 5 hour blocks for walks and drop ins but not on an hourly basis so this may already be known to you. I noticed that if a customer searches for mornings and you are not available at that time, you won't show up in the search results. Go to your calendar, then "update dog spaces" on left hand side if using a PC and then it will allow you to select when you are available.


Thanks for asking this question, and thanks Walt for answering. I wanted to ask this too because I was hoping there was a way to be more specific about available hours, but maybe this will be the case in the future.


You can always state the hours you are available in your about me section however it will not stop clients from trying to book you when you may not be available. Sorry, but there isn't a way to customize your availability hours at this time. Best of luck to you