
How do you communicate with your clients?

I have noticed that since starting my business that there are a lot of times where the individuals that reach out to me but do not respond. I am wondering if I am being too abrupt or saying too much at first. I have a couple pre-written statements that I use as a guide when people message me. So many times I never get a response. What do other Roverers say when they first receive a message from a potential client?


This has been happening to be and it decreases my booking rate! Am I supposed to message them before or after clicking book and when does this end?!

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Rover always recommends that new owners to Rover send booking requests to several sitters at the same time so even if you reply instantly they may ghost you as you weren't their initial sitter requested. Sorry but this happens to all of us, all you can do is archive the request and be ready for the next opportunity. Best of luck