
What to do with anxious dog with separation anxiety?

I have been sitting and walking a dog with separation anxiety for the past several weeks. When boarding, he whimpers whenever he is left alone in a room. When going out for walks, he forcefully pulls to go back inside. He whimpers at the sight of cars and other people often. I have suggested to the owner that the dog goes to puppy school (he is only 7 months old). The dog got into a fight with a racoon while on a camping trip with his owner - so perhaps this trauma is making his anxiety worse. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

5 Answers

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I do little steps. Leave them alone for a short time, a couple of minutes, and then come back and don't make it a big deal. Repeat. And then slowly extend the time a little each time. You can find good articles on it but it is a slow process. I owned a dog that would chew through doors and it took nearly a year but he eventually was okay being alone for a good four or five hours. With the outside, I take them out with a favorite treat or toy and we sit outside and be calm until it's not so scary, maybe walk a little if they're up to it. Go slowly. Maybe a couple steps further next time. And I'll go during quieter times, like the middle of the day and ignore scary noises so when they look to me I don't give them any cues that it was significant. That's what's worked for me. Every dog is different. Hope that helps


Safety gates really help instead of using closed doors especially for anxious pups! Walk through gates were the first items I started purchasing when I started boarding dogs in my home...You can get used ones for cheap on Craigslist.... And yes! Have them bring a used pillow case or tee shirt with them for any first time or anxious boarders.


If the owner can't give any suggestions try not to leave the dog for long timeframes. Treats, small warm places to chill while you're gone, and activities to do. All those things go a long way with that stuff. Also, I'd probably kennel the dog to ensure they're more comfortable and that they don't get into trouble from the anxiety.


This might help, from our vet's blog.


Ask the owner if you can start CBD pet drops or treats with his diet this has worked wonders for tons of pets nationwide… So I have heard.


I just dealt with a super anxious pup for the past 8 days and the only thing that seemed to help a little was a combination of a few things. I contacted his owner to okay it by him to give the pup a melatonin supplement as well as hemp drops and I put a sound machine near his crate to give some background noise (his preference ended up being rain sounds). Just be vigilant about sticking to the proper dosage based on size, but I'd say they were very helpful getting him to sleep peacefully and stay calm when I was away.


Hey! Poor little guy a fight with a raccoon sounds rough. Well since he's still young the owner may need to work with him on assuring him that when he leaves its ok. For example, leaving him alone in room for a few mins and using positive reenforcement for when he doesn't cry and slowly making that time longer and longer. When he cries again start over. I know it sounds like alot but just takes time to get him use to being alone or away from the owner. Also having the owner come in and out of the front door for different amounts of time to desensitize him to the owner leaving. Did the owner leave you with anything that smells like them? This can help comfort them too. As far as the walks it sounds like he just needs to know while it's scary he will be ok. You can even try practicing his sit and stays and "watch" (where he looks to you) to distract him from things that might scare him so he focuses on you or owner instead. Hope this helps!