
How do I walk more than one strong-willed dog with different paces?

My own dog is slow paced and mellow. The dog I am sitting is fast paced and frenetic.

3 Answers

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It comes down to training, but up to you to decide if it is worth your time rather than walking them separately. The energetic dog needs to learn heel and/or your dog to walk steadily and not stop all the time. To teach a solid heel in this case you can do the stop-start method which is basically you stop as soon as the faster dog outpaces you and your slower dog. You can also hook up a no pull harness, prong collar or get the energetic dog tired first before your walks.


My dog doesn't stop. She just walks slow. Challenging to train a dog you only see once.

If it's only once then just walk separately, but teaching heel takes 10 minutes during a walk to get some nice improvement and probably 30-45 minutes to fully teach for future reference. Harnesses and prong collars almost immediately.


One thing that tends to work for me, but not always, is to sort of relax in the yard or on the porch with both dogs until the more active one calms down about the prospect of the walk a little bit before starting out. Usually, once the initial excitement of going outside is over they walk better together. Sometimes you'll get a dog that just doesn't settle out and then I walk them separately.


It was an 11 month old Weimeraner. Great dog but several hours and a heat wave did nothing to settle it down.


You may find it easier to walk each dog separately, as he slower dog may cause the more active dog to become more frustrated. Best of luck


Thanks. That maybe what I must do.