
What would you charge per night?

I had to decline the request because I wasn’t available, but I’m curious as to what would you charge for 4 dogs, 8 indoor cats, and 2 outdoor cats? With my normal rate and no adjustments, it would be $157/night??

3 Answers

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I'd go a bit higher than Walt, only because I think basic house sitting should start at $60/night. With all those animals, maybe $90 or $100. But it really depends on location and what your local market would pay for those services.


Well for me my base rate is $40, then 5 for each extra dog, so dogs alone would be $55. The cats I'd probably be ok doing for another $20 a night, depending on how the meet and greet went, so I think I'd be comfortable with $75 a night for everyone.

Like Karen said, look around your market area and see what others are likely to charge. No matter what, go with a price that you are comfortable with.


I assume you are discussing house sitting and I would think a client wouldn't be happy with $157 a night, but what do you think would be a fair rate? If you are already at the house and spending the night what else are you going to do other than feed the animals, clean up the poop in the yard and the litter boxes - so that's a couple of hours of work each day. Others may not agree but $50-$60 a night to me seems reasonable. Best of luck