
What is a reasonable range for a meet and greet travel?

How far of a distance should you go to conduct a meet and greet? And if the client is dog boarding with you would it be right for that client to travel to you instead of you travelling to them? Would it be wrong to have to travel out of state (New York City) to that client from New Jersey for a meet and greet? Would you do it? I just would like some honest opinions. Thank you! I apologize in advance if this is a really unintelligent question. I am just worried.

2 Answers

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I think 10 miles is reasonable. Unless I knew the person, they were a referral, or other reasons motivated me to go and stay in that area, No I would not travel the distance you mentioned.

The client should be prepared to travel to your home if boarding and the sitter should travel to the dog's home if house sitting. That is mainly to assess how the dog would do in either environment with the sitter present.

Add'n.: It sounds like you made the right call. That person sounded sketchy, based on what was shared and going that far out of town for a meet & greet where you may not know anybody (and Rover can't do anything for you) seemed unsafe.


Thank you for your honest input. I just stopped responding to her and archived her. I hope it isn't a rude thing to do. But I just want to keep myself safe. But most of my clients were around my area (some out of town) but still came to my home to meet me and had no issues.


Someone asked a similar question as an owner, this thread sounds fishy


Two questions by the same person and is only representing herself as the sitter. One more general about service radius and the other about M&Gs. Where does it imply she's the owner?

She just normally contacted me via Rover asking if I am available to watch her dog. And then I said I am available for those dates. And it did show a photo of her and a dog together in black and white in her profile.