
How can I get my dog to stop an annoying behavior?

Little background, I have one dog and I live with a room mate who has two dogs. One of her dog's has developed a terribly annoying behavior of going to my room just to scratch/chew himself. With it being shedding season I very much do not want him doing this. He will go directly behind my fan to do this, spreading his hair literally everywhere. Or if the door is shut he will go in front of it and lay up against it to scratch, shaking the door. All times of the day and night. I've tried just telling him to go or stop, but he will not listen. Unless I nudge him, he will just keep going. She will not discipline her dog in anyway and I certainly don't feel comfortable doing that since he isn't mine. Is there anyway humane way I can deter him from my room? I thought about getting a spray bottle with water just to get him to stop but not sure if that will work in the long run. Any help or advice is very much appreciated.


I would suggest telling the owner to get a vet check for the dog. However, for you you can always block your door way or get some of the puppy biting spray and spray around your door and it may deter the dog from going to your room.

2 Answers

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Is the dog biting it's toes, as well? That is usually a tell-tale sign that the dog has an allergy. Usually if it is environmental, it gets on the paws outside walking and then the dog will scratch somewhere spreading the allergen to the skin wherever they itched. Typically they might be uncomfortable and are going to a space that feels safe to scratch or itch (I've seen many dogs do this). It could also be a food allergy, as Lenka said.

I would suggest your room mate calls the vet to see what the problem is. It is also possible to soak the dog's paws in warm water and baking soda to get off any allergens and maybe stop the spread of it to the skin if that is the problem - this was very effective with my dog who had some pretty bad allergies and was getting rashes on her skin from scratching and spreading it around.

Hope this helps!


The dog needs to be seen by a vet. Sounds like extreme allergies (food etc), and the dog has to scratch and chew his body. Or he has something stuck in this paw/body and he has to chew and scratch.

Or the dog is very very anxious and restless and needs to be seen by the vet anyway. Tell your roommate to take the poor pup to the doctor.

Since you say it's all times of the day and night, it does sound like a medical issue.