
Why does my customer have to confirm the booking request that they put in, after I accept it?

Why does my customer have to confirm the booking request that they put in, after I accept it? This is such a hassle for the customer & I always have to tell them it needs to be done. It's nonsense. It wasn't this way on DogVacay. They can cancel the booking if they need to anyway.

2 Answers

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On DogVacay, a customer could specifically request a M&G. However, on Rover, they have to initiate a booking, with dates, in order to contact any sitter. So there is a practical reason why an owner needs to confirm after you accept because they may have contacted multiple sitters to interview.


Thanks so much. Great to know. I always wondered and that is good reason to confirm.


I'm sorry you prefer DogVacay, but it's rude of you to continually demean Rover in every post you make asking for information.

As for your question, if you search the board you'll find posts asking this and providing answers. To put it simply, its to make sure both parties are aware of the booking and agree to it. When you click to confirm it, the owner has to submit the fee before it's fully booked. If the owner submits the fee you have to agree to receive it and commit to the booking.