
Do you think RoverGo is being unfair to us?

I've found that I'm at a real disadvantage that I cannot join the RoverGo program because I do not live in the Orlando/Miami area, but there is a sitter who lives right next to me who joined the program outside my area and then moved to my area where everyone is not eligible to join. I was told I need to live in that area and it was not enough to travel to a nearby city. Yet support clearly stated that you have to live there to join the program.

"Thanks for reaching out to me about this issue. With the RoverGo you have to be living in the exact area to participate in it. So, until it is in your city, there is not a way to join. "

It's less than a 30 minute drive from where I live...

They get to show up at #1 on search results in an area where nobody else can. Doesn't this seem unfair to everyone else in that area?

4 Answers

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I agree with you, no it is not fair. If I was in your position, I would contact Rover again and point out the them exactly what they said, " With the RoverGo you have to be living in the exact area to participate in it. So, until it is in your city, there is not a way to join"
If sitters were living in an area that had provided RoverGo previously and now has moved into an area that does not provide it than then the sitter does not LIVE IN THE EXACT AREA and therefor should not be allowed to continue thier "RoverGo Status". They need to be able to keep it fair for all sitters.

Not to mention the fact that one of the claims with RoverGo is that a Rover team member has gone to their home and taken "verified photos" confirming that the photos that appear on their profile is indeed photos of their home. If a sitter moves, who knows what their new property looks like. The photos are than not "Verified".

And I totally get it, you may not want to join RoverGo, but it is about the principal! Best of Luck!!


The best answer lol. Lots of people mentioning "who cares about RoverGo" but that's not the point, some of us do! If you are going to move you need to re-verify your status and house or downgrade to Standard Rover till that happens.


Well, check this out. I live in Aurora and can not participate in RoverGO, because you have to live in Denver. It takes me 2 minutes to drive to Denver....


Why are you considering RoverGo? I heard from many sitters its not worth giving up the extra 5% for a long, long time. Sure you get some nice pictures and help with writing your profile, and you get a short-term bump in the search rankings - but that doesn't last long. You need to think old school and post flyers on local bulletin boards, join local area Facebook Groups that allow you to post your business, make friends at vets and pet stores and see if they will allow you to leave some business cards and also post flyers. Look at Nextdoor, some sites allow business postings.

Best of luck to you!! And in my opinion, save the 5%!!

My best friend lives in Bradenton


Well at first I was having trouble getting clients but now I don't want to join, I did just want to point out this for other users. If a client filters by roverGo users - only one person will show in my entire town because they moved here from somewhere else lol

Agree that sucks, but most new clients have no idea what RoverGO is so why would they click the filter?

Ditto what Walt said. If you look at the search filters, RoverGo is way way down the list, under "memberships." Who is going to care about those in selecting a sitter? If you strip that sitter of his/her RoverGo status, just report it to Rover as a violation or misuse of the designation.

Karen and Walt, I agree it's not a big deal but my point was it's unfair to people who want to join and bypassed the requirements. Read Erica's comment for explanation.

They didn't bypass the requirement. The person moved. Turn them in to Rover so they no longer have that designation since it is location-dependent.

