
Potential client not reading full bio affecting booking score?

Hi everyone,

I'm having an issue with turning down bookings due to potential clients not reading my profile, and it's negatively affecting my score (ie. I work weekdays, I have a cat, etc). All of it's at the top of my bio, and I've even screen shot it and put it as my #2 picture on my photos (after my profile picture), but nothing seems to help.

Rover actually shut down my profile recently for a day or two because my score has gotten so low, and they said if it happens again, I might not be able to reactivate it (even though I explained what's going on to them when they emailed me).

I really don't want to lose my ability to sit - it really curbs my puppy fever, and it's a great side job for me. I'm great with the dogs, I have nothing but 5-star ratings (which is a whole other issue - I can't get any recent past client to review me, even when I reach out, so I haven't had a review since January) and I make sure their dog is my #1 priority. So far, I have 0 complaints from any clients.

Currently, I'm keeping my calendar up to date, but now I can't get my score out of the red. Any advice, or has anyone else had this issue? The only score I'm having an issue with is boarding - the rest are fine. I can't make myself more flexible or available unfortunately just due to my full-time job.

Thank you!

3 Answers

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My suggestion would be to turn off your boarding for new clients and only accept repeats until your score gets back up. The other idea I have would be to adjust your title to something about no afternoons, etc, HOWEVER that won't stop random people from auto messaging you when they message another sitter (Rover has an option that when they message one sitter they can send it to multiple sitters - without even looking at those other sitters profiles). I wish you luck, your situation really sucks :(


I'm a couple days late to this post and I see that Jennifer and Deb have already responded, but you might find this link helpful: (

Like Deb said, I think the most important thing for you to do would be to mark your calendar as unavailable during the weekdays so if you receive a booking request during the times you are away at work your search rank will not be negatively impacted.

As for the cat situation, I would definitely consider changing your headline to something that alludes to the fact that you have a cat. "Doting Cat Mom Looking For More Furry Friends" (Not my best work, but hey you get the idea.)

It's also unfortunate that you haven't been able to secure any new ratings, but my only suggestion would to keep reminding them and to let your clients know how important it is for your business. It also wouldn't hurt to get friends or family to write some nice testimonials (it won't have the "verified stay banner" but it will still add some clout to your profile)

Hopefully this was helpful! Good luck!


I'd suggest that you actually mark your calendar unavailable Monday through Friday. You'd still show up in the search results and people could still message you, but the system would warn them that the calendar showed you may not be available. Then you would not be penalized for Availability, which I'd guess as someone may say it currently looks like the calendar isn't up to date.

And I'd suggest mentioning the cat at the very top before you get into that you grew up with dogs. You could just alter it to something that reflects you love dogs and cats. Currently, you have a cat. In the past...