
How to get more reviews?

Hey guys,

I've done some actual stays but still have very few reviews. I've had some clients who would promise to give me a review (saying they had a great experience too) but then sort of disappear, even though I contact them after the stay to remind them. I also try to leave a little gift bag on the last day of the stay with a small pet toy, etc. and a note that I loved caring for their pet.

Do all your clients give you reviews? What do you do to encourage them to?



I think for me a simple post card as they leave will do

2 Answers

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No one other than can see the reviews that you do on pets. All you can do is send them a friendly reminder a day or two after the stay. I had one client that just fell all over themselves thanking me when they picked up their dogs, they even gave me a gift card as a thank you. No review, ever.

As Hillary said, you can get reviews from others outside who can speak to your abilities and attitudes towards dogs. I had my neighbor and my brother do a review when I first started, because I had kept their dogs over the past several years.


I do not believe that the owners, or anyone other than you for that matter, are able to view the reviews you write about pets you have stayed with. I know that Rover sends a reminder to the owners after the stay is over encouraging them to write a review. I have recieved a review from each client, but I am fairly new to this site, and so have only had 3 past stays. I would suggest sending out a request to people who can comment on your work ethic/passion for pets who may not be actual clients, such as past employers, in order to increase your review numbers.

Good luck!