
What is considered an extended stay?

What does everyone consider an EXTENDED STAY or is it different for everyone? In other words how many days is considered "extended" and how much more should I charge for that?

2 Answers

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I charge an extended rate for boarding for any stay over 10 days. Most of my clients are gone about a week, so I don't charge it very often.And it only applies to Dog #1. Any additional dogs get charged the regular additional dog rate.


Cari, increase or decreased rate?

It's decreased by $5/day. The reason I do it is because the dogs and I have settled into a routine, plus it's guaranteed money and I haven't had to deal with looking for new clients.

I see that Kristina only provides house sitting. I can see why she might think an extended stay warrants a higher price. The longer you are away from home, the more inconvenient it can be,


Extended stay can be different from sitter to sitter, I think most would say an extended stay is longer than 7 days/nights. Also, many sitters discount their rate for extended stays by a few dollars, but many don't. I searched your area and this sitter has lots of reviews and repeats and she discounts for more than 7 days

What you do is a personal decision - best of luck