
Has anyone accepted a sitting job in a hotel? How do you meet the family ahead of time and what do you charge?

I received a request to stay with two dogs at a hotel during dinner (Saturday May 5, Sunday May 6 2018).


Person requesting care is allowing 3 hours. They have two dogs who are friendly and bark when they're alone. They cannot stay alone in the hotel anyway. I messaged her, after receiving your answers, letting her know that I like to meet the family first and asked when they were getting into town.

If they are only here for the weekend and cannot set up a meet n greet in person, would you do it? I will ask for a phone interview.

Although not published call Rover and ask about their ratings and sitter reviews. If they have no stars and are new to Rover the hotel front desk or concierge should make that call on their behalf. Go alone but clear it with hotel managers and front desk. Best to have maid let you in

So no theft claims are brought - and you have a whole staff keeping track of you and it’s greay exposure for you to leave your info so you will always be their Rover go to sitter. I deal with a JW Marriott in Dallas and they are proud to have me in their arsenal to keep guests happy

3 Answers

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I think that it may be a little bit harder to meet the family ahead of time unless they are going to arriving in town a few days before. (You can always ask when they are arriving) If not I would get as much information as I could from the owners a head of time. Asking them if there is any medical or behavioral issues you should be aware of? And make sure to ask specific questions with that. (example: how do they behave when alone? are they shy and timed little dogs when first meeting people? why are they looking for a sitter to stay with them during dinner? Are they expecting them to bark the whole time if left alone? afraid they will chew on everything? or just want company for the dogs? Be specific so you know what kind of dogs you are going to be walking into.) I would also ask them what they want you to do with them? Play with them in the hotel? Walk them the whole time they will be at dinner? or how long is dinner is going to be? or do they just want a body in the hotel with dogs so they are not alone? Depending on these answers would be what I would base my price on. I would either charge as a Doggie day care price depending on the time frame and/or what they want me to do with the dogs. Or I would charge as Drop in visit. (my drop in visit and walking are the same fees so it is up to the client on what they want me to do with their dogs while they are gone) You can also take a look at in what category they are requesting your services in you, which will kind of help in what the owner had in mind. Depending on if she was requesting services for I would adjust the price from there if need be. Good luck, hope everything works out smoothly!


These type of requests happen frequently in tourist towns like Orlando, Vegas, and Nashville or Hood River to mention a few. If the request comes in you just have to do your due diligence to vet the client before they arrive by asking questions.

For many, the M&G is immediately followed by the hotel stay with the pets, so it can be risky especially if you don't feel good about the client, but what the heck it's only for a few hours. I would recommend bringing a friend or family member to the M&G just to be safe, and hey room service for both of you could be cool.


Since it is only for 3 hours each night, then it shouldn't be too bad. Moreover, if the hotel allows the dogs, then they're probably not going to be destructive or rambunctious.

I've heard of hotels here offering dog walking and sitting services, so they take more of a responsibility for their premises and rooms.


Thank you all. I went with my multiple pet rate for overnights. The person thinks it's a good idea to meet first as well, so we're planning on meeting when they get here Saturday afternoon. Thank you again.

The sit went beautifully tonight. They added me to the hotel reservation so the hotel knew I was there. Wonderful family including the dogs! They are appreciative of me, thankful to be able to have their dogs along, and grateful to be able to go out. I'm so glad I did this. I'm going to miss them.