
What are people's experience with the instant booking feature for dog walks?

I'm pretty apprehensive to use this feature b/c I'm concerned about complete strangers in my home. Have people been pleased with this so far?

3 Answers

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If you don't feel comfortable in letting a stranger in your home the instant booking feature may not be for you. So start your search on the main Rover page for dog walkers, once you find one or two create a booking request and send it both of them. After that, you can schedule a meet and greet with the walker(s) to find the one that you feel comfortable with. Best of luck


I wondered why all my recent dog walk requests have come in as drop-ins. It sounds like you can only request that or sits unless you use the on-demand walks. :/ You could still meet them and book a drop-in that they could manually change to walk rate, but you wouldn't get a card showing the route.


Thanks for the response Walt. Maybe I'm missing something but I'm not sure what you suggest is an option any longer.

I have an existing relationship with a dog walker on Rover and I frequently rebook him for dog walks. But, as you can imagine, he's not always available. I've gone through the search for other dog walkers I'd like to contact but it doesn't seem booking them for an actual dog walk is an option. You can book them for other services; dog sitting, visits, etc, but the option of booking them for a dog walk is pre-empted by the instant booking.

Again, I could be missing something but it doesn't seem like an option any longer.