
Should I replace an owners eaten item after a sitting visit?

Hello, so I am currently dog sitting for a 8 month old puppy who has a habit of chewing on everything and anything. The owner told me he has done this in the past, so I know it's something they are working through. I usually catch him before any real damage has happened, though this morning I found that he had torn apart almost all of an eye mask that was on a bedside table. Since it happened while I was watching him, should I reach out to the owner and suggest that I replace the eye mask? I guess I am also looking for an in general idea because I know this happens more often than not during sitting visits. Thanks so much!

2 Answers

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As Walt said, you have no obligation to pay for damage that their puppy did. You should, however, mention it to the owners in your daily status reports, and tactfully suggest that they put away anything and everything that the puppy can get to. While house sitting means you are watching the house, as well as the dog, it doesn't mean you can monitor the dog's actions 24/7. If you are also walking other dogs or doing drop-ins during this stay, you may want to consider crating the dog or suggesting to the owner that he may need it on occasion.


I guess the owners failed at puppy proofing their home buy not putting away all items that the pup could decide it was a play toy. It isn't your responsibility to police the home or replace any item damaged by the dog.