
Why does my dog eat my socks?

My dog ate one of my socks over the weekend. Luckily he threw it up, but I've heard of other people having to get the sock surgically removed from their dog. Is there something about socks that dogs like?


Sock eating is a very dangerous potential deadly bad habit. The first issue is management, keeping all socks up. There is a great book called "MINE" that can lead you through training steps to stop this problem. Also positive reinforcement training, Sit, bring, give, hold, drop it, find it are all great to help

3 Answers

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There can be several reasons ranging from resource guarding, play, boredom and even pica. Environmental management is important but so is training a dog to leave it and drop. Here is a guide for tackling this problem: (Dog Eating Socks)


Management is a key part of handling this problem. Make sure all your socks, underwear, clothes, etc. are out of the dog's reach. You can also crate him while you're gone to keep him safe. There is a disorder called Pica in which dogs habitually consume (not just destroy, but actually eat) non-edible items. Since your dog has only done this once, he probably isn't to that point yet. If and when you find him eating something he shouldn't, redirection versus correction, would be my recommendation. We don't want him learning to eat socks in secret, and that's a very real possibility if you correct him: he learn to avoid the socks, but he only avoids them when you're around because he knows you get upset at him. Have you tried an food dispensing toys?


dogs eat socks due largely to separation anxiety--they get nervous if you're not paying attention/if you're away for a while. You can curb this kind of behavior by hiding your socks, or by setting up a situation where your dog has the opprtunity to eat socks, and then chastise them for it. This way, you don't have to wait until you find them eating socks and you can expedite the training process. I hope this helps!