
Was anyone able to book GHR time blocks(15/hr) past 5pm on Sunday?

In New york, theres the Guaranteed hourly rate program. Every Sunday at 5pm it refreshes to sign up for time blocks the upcoming week. This past sunday, I tried to sign up and literally at 5pm on the dot everything was full for every area, everyday, all time blocks. I just want to know if it was just me or I don't know what's going on, because the past week, when i went to sign up, some time blocks got filled up quick but not like this. I don't know whats going on with Rover.


No, I was a little sad about this because I rearranged my schedule and they said that it is new and they are working it out. I went on at 5 pm and everything was full in the Brooklyn area. I think they are waiting for more clients in our area.

Thank you! Because I was going crazy thinking it was just me. I literally went on right at 4:59:01 and right when it turned 5pm, everything was full! I was like wtf !? I feel more at peace now lol

Did you guys get an email today stating that next week's schedule won't have any open slots and about beta testing stage ?

Yes i got that email

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Same for me, I set an alarm to remind myself to sign up and had planned my whole schedule. :( every slot in every neighborhood was immediately full. Not fair!


i contacted rover and they told me that they are working things out and that hopefully as they grow, they will be able to add more time blocks. I was disappointed.