
How can I anticipate that a dog client is going to pee in the house?

I've watched several dogs over the past month (I'm new). They all peed in the house. One even pooped. I'm pretty sure it's anxiety related as the owners tell me that their pet is 110% house trained. I've put some pee pads around. My fur-nephew is the worst. I don't think he's anxious - just being a male marking his territory. Any suggestions??

2 Answers

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Belly bands can be your saving grace so I would purchase some and always have them on hand as clients pups will pee and there is little you can do to prevent it


walk all the dogs outside prior to them coming inside. (You will know when they get all their pee out, as they will lift their leg (or squat) and only a dribble with come out.

Pick up the pee pads (do not give them a place to pee inside)

Then the areas where they did pee, make sure to clean and scrub that extra well. One thing I have been told is after the area is cleaned to spray "Spray and wash" over the area to help break down the urine enzymes.

Also I would make sure that all male dogs especially are neutered! This will help eliminate the dogs wanting to mark their spots. An un-neutered dogs urine smell is the worst, the smell is so much stronger and you will continue to always be losing the battle of them marking inside.

Hope these tips help, good luck!!