
What kinds of human food can I feed my dog?

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8 Answers

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Salmon, bananas, blueberries, kiwis, strawberries, lettuce, spinach, green beans and so much more! However, never give apple seeds, avocado, onions, grape, mushroom, garlic, squid, nuts, tomato or chocolate!


Minicarrots and apples are the going favorites for my guests...if parents do not object.

I thought garlic was good to repel flees. Am I wrong? Heres what the AKC and many other pages have to say about them eating garlic. I think its best to just steer clear of it

Garlic is very good for your dog. That being said, do your research. You would have to give large dog about 75 cloves to overdose. Many people still don't like using it. It is a great antifungal, antiviral and deworming... Skeptical? Just skip it. Use something you are comfortable with.


Boiled chicken breast and rice is also a dish I have frequently fed my pups through the years when they have an upset belly (diarrhea). The rice binds them and keeps me from having to make a trip to the vet. The problem usually remedies itself with this modified diet within 24-48 hrs. If the problem persists, always consult a veterinarian.


I have done the same thing Tracey and not only did it work immediately (after second meal of this mixture) when my male's sensitive stomach acted up, but I had to cook it for his sister too as plain ol' dog food didn't cut it when her brother was eating this home-cooked meal!


Chicken is my dog's favorite food. Poultry, fish, and eggs are all good options. I save up chicken bones and vegetable ends to make stock that gets served with every meal. I learned through a Rover (WhiskerDocs) vet that pumpkin puree is good for dealing with diarrhea. I also like to add a bit of turmeric to the diets of older dogs to help with joint pain and tumors. I avoid most grains, except for small amounts of rice, served on occasion. I avoid beef products as that seems to be hard on dogs digestive tracts. I add variety of vegetables, but always amounts smaller than the meat/protein part of the meal. I keep the fat levels low.


Also broccoli and carrot! I always feed my dog with those two and they love it


I would say it’s easier to look up what human foods NOT to give your pup! I used to frequent a message board that was adamant about feeding their dogs raw foods. Maybe something to also look into. One thing I remember from that site is: no cooked chicken bones! It is said to splinter easily causing damage to your dogs throat and/or getting stuck and possibly choking your dog or worse.


My dogs thrive on a semi-raw dog food diet. Also, I never give them any kind of bones. Marrow is bad for them and your comment about chicken bones? You are absolutely right! They are a no-no. to much 'people food' spoils them for their own stuff. Scramble a egg sometime and mix it with kibbles.

Your comment is is wrong on so many levels. Bone marrow is absolutely amazing for dogs, RAW bones are essential, and instead of cooking eggs - killing all the beneficial enzymes, just serve them raw, including the shell. RAW food is alive. Dogs are carnivores - they prefer it RAW. :)


Mix either a spoonful of canned pumpkin in with their kibbles or for a change, some peas with mint instead. They love both and my little one finds eating her kibbles easier when moistened with the pumpkin.


Our GSD breeder told us to add 4 ounces cottage cheese or one can sardines to puppy's kibble once a week.


I have given my two dogs, carrots, watermelon (no seeds), apples (no seeds) I sometimes give them peanut butter on top of their frozen kongs with kibble inside. Makes them pretty happy! I can't even chop any vegetables around here without them coming to investigate :)