
Why is my dog losing weight?

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I see this happen often with a change in environment. Either a change of location, new/lost family member, even the seasons changing. More seriously this could be a sign of a sickness, especially if your dog is refusing to eat.

5 Answers

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It could be a couple of things such as, change in environment, diet or loniness if they hardly ever spend time with the pet owner. Some pets need additional attention throughout the day and if they don't get it this can cause behavior issues.


If your dog had never had this problem before I would recommend you calling or seeing your vet. about this problem. It could be minor or it could be major but you won't know until you see your vet.


First off, if your pet is losing wait it is always important to call your vet, if you are not sure whether or not they need to be seen, the vet will be able to answer whether or not you need to make an in-person visit after describing your pets symptoms. Most vets will be more than happy to address your concerns and answer any questions that you have. Weight loss can come from any number of factors, from a change in environment to an illness. If your dog is less than a year old, it is important to take your puppy to the vet to make sure he or she is growing correctly, is not sick, and does not have any parasites. Make sure you watch for any other changes in your pet, such as diarrhea or whining, so you can provide a vet with as much details as possible.


Depending on the age of your pup, and several other factors, like changing food, and the suddenness of the weight change it can be a range of things. I would definitely recommend a visit to the veterinarian if you are noticing the weight change and they will probably do some tests or X-rays to rule out any sort of foreign body or anything very serious. Is there a way that your dog could have ate something? Is he/she having regular bowl movements? It can even be a tooth ache. Either way, your best bet is to go to the veterinarian and they will let you know for sure. Good Luck!


It could be a few things; illness, lack of appetite, anxiety, more exercise. I'd recommend a vet visit if you are getting worried though just to double check!