
Help! NO after meet and greet?

SO I did a meet and greet and the dog was great ! but his owners were not to friendly and were very demanding. They were very strict with their dog and wanted that he be the only one in my house for those day they need care, I told them that I allow up to 3 dogs since i am always home and that I have children , I feel that they will want me to give their dog all the attention and I didn't like that they asked me to have my kids elsewhere during the stay.

How do I tell them that I do not want to watch their dog?

3 Answers

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It is completely unreasonable for these owners to make such requests. There are probably quite a few sitters in your area that meet their requirements. All they have to do is set a few search filters: (1) doesn't have a dog and (2) no children. From there, just look at each profile to see how many dogs they accept at a time.

Just tell them that you don't feel your home would be the right place for their dog and either steer them to Rover Customer Support to find the perfect place or tell them about search filters.


Just like it says.... I would give them the information on how you take care of the dogs... it doesnt seem like it would be a good fit with them... politely let them know.


That is the main reason for a meet and greet (and why I insist on having them). I think it's completely unreasonable to expect the demands they placed. I would let them know you can't meet all their requests and to be fair to them and to your family you will need to decline the assignment at this time. This is Your comfortable in who you accept and in who you don't! ๐Ÿ™‚