
What is the difference between 'drop in' and 'walk' services?

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me the difference? I seem to be getting a lot of people booking me for the 'drop in' option but still asking me to take their dog out for a walk?

1 Answer

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Some sitters will let the dog out briefly for a potty break, but no walk is included in a drop-in visit. Refer your clients to Rover's Help section:

Of course, you can do whatever you'd like and charge accordingly since you are an independent contractor.

P.S Since you charge $2 more for a walk than a drop-in visit, I can see why people are booking the lower-cost option.


I just received my very 1st request. She asked me for a check- in for her 2 dogs. And then told me she needed her dogs walked. Not being very familiar with how bookings work yet, I locked in the rates. After she paid she requested that I walk both dogs separately!!