
Phone number already registered?

I had a DogVacay account, and when I tried to merge it wouldn't let me. So, I decided to just create a new Rover account. Now, whenever I try to add my phone number to my account it tells me that it is already registered. I have no way of figuring out if I already have an account, and it won't let me login through Facebook. Any advice?


I have the same problem and it's infuriating. I'm giving up on Rover. It's not worth the frustration and annoyance.

I’m having same issue & no one answers the general question line!

Same. Annoying


Same annoying! Really bad user experience

I also have this issue!

completely the same --- who is running the show -- i need help and can't get it because it continues to fault on my phone number ... it's nuts. Extremely frustrated!

I just lost 2 hours of my life.😤 I’m over using Rover

2 Answers

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Rover support remedied the problem very quickly. They deactivated the previous account, which was my college one no longer accessible. As long as you can provide an email you think it was associated with, they'll help.


Only Rover support can help you fix this, please call [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team]


Rover supporter doesn’t help with this issue.