
Why does my dog keep limping?

Why does my dog keep limping?

2 Answers

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Hello There!

A limp can be caused by many different factors. It can be caused by anything from favoritism of a previous injury, or a thorn in their foot, to major injuries such as a broken bone. Also, if your dog is older, 7+, age may be a factor as many dogs who are older tend to suffer from issues such as Hip Dysplasia. Regardless of the probable cause for the limp it would be a good idea to visit your local veterinarian for an exam and possible treatment. Hope your dog starts feeling much better very soon!!

-Lexi F.


Hi! I used to work at a doggy daycare and it's very common to see a dog limping slightly at the end of a long day of running and roughhousing. Even my older dog will limp very slightly at the end of a long walk. As long as the dog gets some rest and the limp goes away within a day or so, there shouldn't be anything to worry about!