
Why does my dog lick his feet?

Why does my dog lick his feet?


Your dog can lick his feet for a variety of reasons, including allergies, fungal infection, bacterial infection, injury, and dry paws. You should contact your veterinarian so they can find the cause and provide proper medication.

This also can be caused due to nervousness. You should engage more with your puppy and find some chew toys and for things for it to play with.

In addition to what Katrina E mentioned- if a health issue such as infection is ruled out- you do want to curb that behavior as it can become deep,y ingrained the longer he does it. As Katrina mentioned- sometimes it could stem from boredom- sometimes could be nervous behavior or reaction to stress.

While humans can sweat, dogs pant to release heat after a walk or when it's hot outside. Licking their hands as a way to wet their fur acts in the same way sweat does to cool them off. Kangaroos are notorious for doing this and they have lots of blood vessels in the arms to efficiently release heat

3 Answers

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It has come to my attention that some paw licking or biting could actually be caused by nerve issues caused by collars and harnesses, as well as bursts of intense exercise after long periods of inactivity. If your dog has itchy back feet, it could be caused by exercising too intensely in between longer periods of rest. Itchy front feet could be caused by pressure on the nerves in the neck by certain collars and harnesses and strong pulling behaviors.

This is only one possibility, but it is very commonly overlooked by veterinarians, who often will prescribe allergy medications. It is still best to consult a veterinarian, but this is worth mentioning to them, especially if other treatments haven’t worked.


Let's be many reasons a dog licks their feet first would be grooming second could be a seasonal allergy for example if you've been playing in the grass and he comes in and starts to lick his feet are allergic to the grass or some other plant that is inside your grass or lawn the next could be an allergy from the food that they're eating after that it can be bacterial or fungal last three needs to be seen if it continues in the feet begin to get swollen or any discharge by a veterinarian the first one is a behavioral issue you can learn to deal with that never ever put socks on their feet and always keep them clean and dry respectfully the teeth## Hea


My little Chihuahua licks his when he is sleep as a comforting thing, kind of like a baby with a blankie. My little chi/rat terrier mix is allergic to some grasses so he licks and bites at his during the Spring time and has to have Benedryl for a couple weeks.

It really depends on the dog. This time of year, a dog can go outside and get those burrs in their paws. When they pull it out, little spurs of it can remain. Check closely with light. If this has always happened, then it might be a soothing thing.