
Why does my dog still stink after a bath?

Why does my dog still stink after a bath?


Is it a small dog? If so maybe it needs it's anal glands milked

5 Answers

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The dog could have an overproduction of yeast. Too much yeast can be triggered by food allergies, usually the protein like. Hi Ken and chicken byproduct. If the yeast goes unchecked, it can turn into a bad bacterial infection too


check the color of the water they might of took a dump


Sometimes it could just be that the bedding area or cage your dog sleeps in needs to be cleaned out. Also, sometimes missing areas during a bath can be the cause too. For example, the inner thighs, tail, privates, and lower belly area. I had the same issue with my dog and this helped, also a strong scented shampoo and scrubbing.


What breed? Age? Any recent medications or surgeries? There are a number of reasons your dog can still smell even after a bath. Can you provide more information about the pup?


Dogs should not smell after you give them a bath. If you dog still smells he/she needs to be seen by your Veterinarian.

There are sever skin conditions which would cause your dogs skin to smell.

skin is one of those problem area, where you need to treat it sooner rather then later. The longer you wait to get a skin condition treated, the worse it gets and hard it gets to resolve it.

Best of luck!


Definitely, see your veterinarian as soon as you can (not an emergency). It can be an underlying skin condition or maybe your pet's anal glands are full. I would check our pet's teeth to see if there are tarter build up. That can also be a reason something is not smelling good.


dogs can get smelly after a bath if they are not dried good enough afterward i would try blow drying to see if that helps or use a deodorizing shampoo. dogs can also get skin infections that make dogs smell bad so i would ask your vet to have the skin looked at if home remedy work


You may not be getting them fully dry. You also may not be getting all the oils loosened up w shampoo and rinsed out fully.


Dogs have oil in their skin called Sebum. When dogs get wet the oil and the water together create a bacteria which causes the unpleasant odor. This can sometimes happen when you give your dog a bath.


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