
Why does my dog shiver so much?

My small dog always shivers, even if I cover her in a blanket. Why is this happening?

2 Answers

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Dogs shake for many reasons. In your case your dog may be stressed or excited. Or she may have a serious illness like distemper or kidney disease. You may want to check with your vet to rule out any serious illness.


Context will help provide more insight into why. When does it happen? What else is going on at that time? (i.e. did someone just come home, is someone killing a bug, having a loud argument, other loud noises - like fireworks or children, etc., is there a squirrel/rabbit/bird/ other small critter that has captured the dog's attention ) Are there any other symptoms? (excitement, any sources of possible pain, weakness, disorientation, hiding, yawning, eye/nose discharge, coughing, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, salivating, lip smacking, drooling, scooting or licking their bottom, seizure)