
The amount paid by the owner is less than my advertised rates?

I have a 13 day booking with overnights. My fees are $30 per night and $30 for an overnight. Why is the amount paid by the owner only $360?!?! Even if I were only charging for the days it would still be $390. Since it is days and nights, shouldn't it be $780?


Don't forget rover takes 20% :) this cost helps with advertising, exspanding and being insured!

2 Answers

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Dog day care and dog boarding are 2 different services. Dog bording is for each night the dog will stay. Very similar to how any rental or even staying in a hotels works. Dog daycare is just for the day where the dog doesn't stay the night. It sounds like maybe you want to put your bording price to 60$ Which might be viewed a bit steep and turn away potential clients.


The owner should be charged $390 for your 13-night stay at $30/night. Rover takes out fees from that amount (15% if you joined prior to Sep 2015, 20% if you joined after that) so that you only receive 80-85% of the total amount charged.

The overnight boarding fee covers a 24-hour period, so it would not be $780 for the stay you described.