
Why does my dog shake and tremble?

Does anyone else's dog start shaking for no reason? Is the shaking a trembling a sign of a serious disease, like epilepsy? Or is it normal?

2 Answers

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There are so many reasons from joy and excitement, to toxic ingestion, pain, old age, and nausea as well as more serious-- poisoning, kidney disease, or injury, distemper, & Generalized Tremor Syndrome (GTS). if your dog suddenly starts trembling or shivering, it's important to note other symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or limping and talk to your vet right away.

Less common it may be chronic kidney failure, neurological problems that may include inflammatory brain disease or seizure disorders, Addisonian crisis, a condition related to an underactive adrenal gland, and demyelinating disorders.


Dogs shake for many reasons- the simplest one is that they are cold. It can also be from nerves, small dogs tend to be a bit more afraid of people /anything larger than them. Many dogs also have high anxiety during thunder storms, fireworks and from being in large crowds.