
Why does my dog lick my toes?

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3 Answers

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If your dog is tiny like a chihuahua, it can happen as they are trying to get your attention or it's their way of showing off affection! If your dog isn't small it may just be to show affection to you in their own way!


Your dog licking your toes is usually nothing to worry about, even if it drives you crazy! Typically, your dog licking your toes is a sign of his submissiveness to you. He is indicating that you are in charge and he perhaps wants your attention. Another potential cause is that you have food or something else on your foot that tastes good to him, even if it's so small that you don't register it's on your foot. Occasionally, dogs will lick your toes, as with other body parts, to get information about you. Dogs use their receptors to decode information found within human sweat and other secretions. Lastly, some dogs lick as a form of stress reduction, as it is thought that licking releases endorphins.

Unless your dog's licking is excessive (which may indicate a compulsive disorder and require intervention), you have nothing to worry about. You can try wearing socks around your dog, spraying your feet with something that is unpleasant to dogs (such as Bitter Apple spray found in most pet stores), or redirecting his attention to a toy whenever he begins to lick your toes.


There may be a few possibilities. Your dog may be licking your feet in an effort to strengthen the bond with you, improve both of your psychological needs and health, as well as to show affection and love. Some people have also said that dogs taste the salt from your skin, but the reasons above seem more likely.