
Why does my dog lick my leg?

This is a question that we often get from sitters and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Two of the most common reasons: Your dog is showing you love by 'grooming' you, and also, your dog may be attracted to the salty residue of your sweat!

Depending on the age and the consistency of the licking I can only think of two reasons 1. He just loves to give kisses 2. It could give him comfort when he or she feels anxious.

8 Answers

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When a dog licks your leg, it typically means that they are showing you affection. Endorphins are released and it makes your pup feel good. It is also a sign that your dog is showing you love and respect. At times, my dog will lick my legs when I'm wearing lotion or after I went for a run and am sweaty. By tasting you, dogs are feeling out your mood and what happened while you were away from them or out of the house.


They may be tasting the salt on your skin which they seem to enjoy sometimes.


My two pups do that and it's them showing me love :)


They usually do it as a sign of love. Dogs will usually lick each other when they are grooming, and you are part of there family. Essentially they are "grooming" you and showing you love


Some things are just instinctual. Dog lick to show affection, respect, or to help groom you. My dog is always licking my legs after I get out of the shower too, maybe to help groom me? They're silly, but it's all out of love!


Dogs lick for many reasons. They do lick to show affection but they also will do that after a workout if you are sweaty, if you are out of the shower so you are wet are some examples.


My dog licks me when I was crying on my leg and by my ears and I wasn't sweaty and then he sat between my legs and layed on me for a while


the salt on our skin?


Yes..... salt on your skin. When we perspire salt is mix with your perspiration. That's why it burns if you get some of your perspiration in your eyes. Therefore your skin is very salty after you sweat.


Dogs can lick for many reasons. With an owner it could be a sign of respect, that they see you as the pack leader, or just out of affection. Licking for dogs releases endorphins and leaves them with a comforted feeling. This may be because puppies lick mothers to release milk.