
What does a TREAT mean?

On my profile - there is posted 1 TREAT... What does that mean..


I would also like to know.

Everyone starts with one treat. A treat is the same as a like on Facebook or Snapchat etcetera. Thus far treats have no known bonus for users.

4 Answers

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A 'Treat' means someone in the Rover Q&A community has upvoted one of your questions or answers using the + and - signs to the left of your questions and their answers.

As far as I know, there is no tangible reward for Treats; it's just a fun way to keep track of how useful others find your advice or questions.

See the FAQ at the top of your Q&A Community page for more info -


Everyone starts with 1 treat. If people like your questions or answers, you will get more treats. Read the FAQ at the top. Carmen is correct. You don't get anything from accumulating treats.


People this is considered a "like" on Facebook in the Rover World. Basically people can like your comments and stuff that you post on here from my understanding.


When a question or answer is upvoted, the user who posted it will gain points, which are called Treats. These points serve as a rough measure of the community trust in that user. Various moderation tasks are gradually assigned to users based on those points.

Looking for more detail? Here's an example. Say you ask an interesting question or leave a helpful answer — your input will be upvoted. On the other hand, if the answer is misleading, it will be downvoted. Each vote in favor will generate 10 points, and each vote against will subtract 0 points. There is a limit of 2000 points that can be accumulated for a question or answer per day. The table below explains reputation point requirements for each type of moderation task.

0 upvote 0 downvote 20 accept own answer to own questions 1000 change tags on other's questions 10000 edit any answer 10000 delete any comment