
Is my dog gay? [closed]

My dog humps other male dogs, does this mean he is gay? How can I tell??

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Grace D.
close date 2017-12-20 09:57:06.984306


Hahaha , no , Shave twin sisters , they do this all the time , very normal

3 Answers

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When male dogs mount/hump each other, it is not a sexual act to them. This is essentially a display of dominance. The one humping is showing that he is the dominant one in the group. However, if the two males will both mount each other/take turns, this can be a sign that they view each other as equal or are still "jockeying" for rank


No your dog is not "gay". Dogs will often mount other dogs as a way of showing dominance over another dog. Even female dogs will "mount" other dogs in this way.


For dogs, that behavior indicates dominance. When a dog, male or female, displays that humping action, they are trying to become the pack leader.