
What can I put on my dog for dry skin?

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Oil Sheen spray or Mink oil

You can add a teaspoon of coconut oil to their food once a day - makes their coat so soft!

9 Answers

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Ironically enough, a dog often has dry skin because you're putting TOO MUCH on him. Dry skin is the number one sign of over-washing or of irritation to shampoo. Try using a dog shampoo that contains chamomile or oatmeal (look for a formula labeled as "sensitive skin"). Another option is to use a puppy shampoo because these are often more gentle than the adult dog formulas. To avoid over-washing, bathe your dog no more than once per month, excluding special circumstances or if your veterinarian advises you otherwise. You can purchase dog cleaning wipes at any pet store for spot cleaning in between baths to keep your pooch fresh, moisturized, and clean!


If your dog's skin is too dry, you could be bathing him or her too often. Frequent bathing removes the dog's protective natural oils that acts as a moisturizer. I would try bathing them less, as well as give them a flaxseed oil or fish oil capsule that would help with the dryness.

Dry skin can also be caused by: -no humidity in the air -their diet -the type of shampoo you use

You could also try feeding them moist food, ask your dog groomer to not have the hair dryer so high, and when using shampoo, use the kind that has humectants in it (or a moisturizer of some sort), and if you can, avoid using blow dryers all together as well.


Dry skin is a sign of allergies. Are you feeding your dog a good quality dog food? Check with your vet to see if your dog has an underlying skin issue and to see if you may need to change to a different brand of dog food.


Before you put something on your dog, it's important to determine the cause. It may be due to allergies, infections, disease/disorder, or breed specific conditions.

For allergens- you want to keep your dog & home free of allergens (avoiding areas of high dander, pollen, keeping floors clean, home dust/critter (fleas, etc) free, vacuum often, wiping paws after every walk to remove mold,pollen, dirt, etc., groom/brush regularly, bath as needed using a gentle dog formulated shampoo, ensure high quality diet, possibly add humidifier, immunotherapy injections) Be sure you stay current parasite prevention products Stay on schedule w/regular vet check ups


Adding fish oil to your dogs diet can help with dry skin. It is important to also find out why your dog has dry skin. It may be something as simple as allergies but you may want to take them to the vet to find out for sure.


Coconut oil


Coconut oil help relieve itch and is great for them to eat as well.


Add salmon oil to his food.


Dry skin can be a symptom of allergies or an issue with a dry invironment, over bathing, or even poor nutrients. You may want to consult your vet to try and narrow down which issue it could be for you.