
Is orijen dog food good?

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I give my dog Orijen- 6 fish. He is 10 yrs old and had some serious skin problems that got sorted out magically 2-13 weeks into his Orijen food.

3 Answers

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It's one of the best you can get. Doesn't come cheap though.


It's okay. go by ingredients not brand name!


I have my two shibas on Orijen and did a lot of research on it, it is great food. Also, all the pet stores I go to or the vets office when they hear they are on Oriejn they are like yea thats great dog food. I generally order mine offline at Chewy and they have great pricing and free two day shipping. I freeze the bluk of it in ziploc bags, and keep the supply i'm feeding them in the fridge. It stays fresh.