
Why does my dog sit in the corner?

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2 Answers

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It's likely your dog sits in the corner to feel secure. If he or she isn't cowering there probably isn't much to worry about. If your dog is showing signs of anxiety, you might want to try comfort it by sitting next to it and speaking softly while you pet it's fur.


If your dog has always done this, it's likely just a personality quirk or spacial preference. If this is a new behavior, it can either be anxiety, aging or a sign of illness. Changes to the household or surrounding environment are common triggers for new anxiety. A move, a new pet or human in the house, construction nearby, etc. Aging is another reason for a behavior like this. If your dog is older and maybe is starting to develop hearing or vision issues, he/she may not be as comfortable navigating around the house as he/she used to be, so the corner has become the designated "safe place." Lastly, a strange "hiding" behavior can be a sign that something is going on with your pup's health. It may not be anything obvious yet (like vomiting or diarrhea), but it could be their way of saying that something is "off." If this continues for several days, it wouldn't hurt to see your vet to rule out illness and discuss some anxiety solutions.