
how many watch puppies?

Just wondering. i don't because they are not trained and too much work.


I do, but not in our home and I do charge a little more for them because they are more work. I know it's hard for someone with a puppy to find puppy care, so that's why I offer it. Plus, it is fun, if not tiring :) Fawn

4 Answers

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yes, I do. One thing to consider is yes they are more work and do take patients but once you form a bond with that client you have a client for life. The clients will trust you since you have been watching their dog since they were a puppy. Not to mention the amazing bond that you do create with the pet.


I take puppies but I do mention there might be an extra charge depending on how much extra work the puppy might be. If its for one day only, I will just charge 10$ extra right off the bat but if its for an extended period, I tell the pet owner that I will first see exactly how much more work this specific pup is and let them know within a day or two once the puppy has settled in. I do however let them know right away what the maximum extra charge would be prior to them leaving the pup with me so no one is surprised or dissatisfied and any extra charge I put through the website and not take cash.


I love watching puppies! It's more work but then I get my puppy fix and cuddles in. Plus puppies love basically everyone and everything. Never any clashing personalities!

I will take all of the puppy and their puppy kisses


I do take puppies as well. For drop ins or walks, I charge $3 more per visit than an adult dog. I will take repeat clients' puppies for boarding as long as I've had them already for dropins, at $5 more per day. That way I know what I'm getting into having them at my house. They must be undergoing crate training tho if they want boarding.


I agree with Erica, those pups will likely become lifetime clients! I have 3 of them since they were tiny puppies, 2 years later.