
Why does my dog face the wall?

This is a question that we often get from sitters and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!

2 Answers

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It can be a little strange when dogs do this and the reasons are kinda endless

  • Another reason could be because there's a critter somewhere behind the wall, it may be time for you to put the Sherlock hat on and check around

  • Is your dog elderly? If so then this could be one sign you might wanna take them to the vet, there can be a lot of reason, one even being a version of Alzheimers (yes, dogs can get that too) or canine cognitive dysfunction

  • Your dog could just be plain weird, but that's ok because you still love them!

  • There are some other reasons your dog could be doing this, I really encourage you to search and read some articles by (FVBS)


If your dog is facing a wall and pressing its head on it, you need to call a vet and tell them what your dog is doing. If a dog is staring at the wall in a corner, its a sign that something could be wrong.


I agree, if your dog is pressing or rubbing their head against the wall call a vet