
Why does my dog roll in the dirt?

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2 Answers

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There are many reasons your dog rolls. It's fun, they're happy or excited, it scratches their back, or even because there's a dreadful smelly thing they want to smell like. Dry dirt might be scratching their back or cooling them off if they're hot. Rolling in smelly things is thought to be an instinctual way they mask their scent for hunting. If you think your dog rolls due to scratching, and you think it's too often, maybe they have a skin sensitivity or allergy you should speak to the vet about. Hope this helps!

All the best,



There are a few possibilities. Some say that this is a natural instinctual behavior, to collect scents and bring them home. Similarly, it could be to get rid of a fragrance chemical smell and substitute w/ more natural (grass, rabbit droppings, dead worms, etc). Some say it's to relieve an itch, especially flea and tick bites. Others say it's an obsessive-compulsive behavior.