
What should I wash my dog with?

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Make sure you use a DOG SHAMPOO. You can find shampoos everywhere like WalMart or Pet Smart or even the grocery store. The grocers are a bit expensive. If your dog has fleas make sure the bottle says 'Kills Fleas.' I always make sure the shampoo I buy has ALOE in it. It's easy on their skin.

8 Answers

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A gentle pet shampoo is advised. Pet shampoos with oatmeal and aloe are great because they help to prevent drying which can commonly hapen when we bathe our pets and leads to irritation. It's also important to realize bathing a dog more than once a week can irritate the skin as well. Many dogs only need bathing once a month.


There's tons of brands of dog shampoos! I always look for ones that have oatmeal in them because it makes their skin and coat very soft as well as preventing dry skin. Aloe is great for dogs with sensitive skin or dogs with very short fur that can be subject to burning in the summer


Use a dog shampoo and make sure it's thoroughly rinsed. Follow with a conditioner to "seal" the hair follicles on the skin to maintain moisture & oils. Make sure not to overwash your dog or you will strip the follicles of necessary oils.


I would suggest using a shampoo designed specifically for dogs. Like with humans, you might have to shop around to find what suits your dog. For instance, does your dog have dry skin, long hair, or a greasy coat? There's a different product for each situation. You should also take frequency into consideration. Does you dog have a knack for running into mud puddles or poison oak bushes? I would suggest something much more gentle if you'll be needing to bathe them on a weekly basis rather than every month or two. There's also conditioners for dogs, and leave in shampoo and conditioner as well a mousse. You can get incredibly fancy if you wanted to.

Also, there's the question of fleas. Are they currently flea free and on preventative medication or are they currently infested? If you're looking to give your dog a flea bath I would suggest something that also kills the eggs and larva in addition to adult fleas. Read the label and instructions thoroughly. If you have any bedding that the dog lays on regularly, give it a wash. Carpets will need to be cleaned as well, there are powders and other methods for that. Otherwise, they will just become re-infested. I understand the flea battle well.

You can also use the blue Dawn dish soap to flea bath your dog. I will let you know that this is not a good idea for dogs with sensitive skin or dry skin. Use this method sparingly! If you don't know how to do it there are many tutorials and guides online. You can probably find a video on YouTube if you're feeling particularly lost.


I would make sure to use a dog shampoo. If they have sensitive skin there are dog shampoos for that that include things like oatmeal in them. Usually try to wash them with warm water as well


depending on age of dog depends on what kind you should get. If they have fleas I suggest pert plus bath. Watch what kind you by and make sure it is appropriate for that age and breed of dog.


I personally love Burt's Bees dog shampoo, its natural and leaves your pup smelling good!


A dog shampoo. There are hypo allergic and soothing oatmeal based ones, without fragrance and other unnecessary additives/chemicals, for dogs with sensitive skin. Also, remember to gently dry and brush out.


I have a small inside dog and we use whatever shampoo we use on ourselves. It has never dried out her skin and we always get compliments on how soft her fur is. You don't want to use conditioner on them though.