
Why does my dog keep scratching her stomach?

My dog is constantly scratching at her stomach. I looked but I don't really see anything there. Why would she be scratching there so much?

1 Answer

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This sounds like she has itchy dry skin, which very often is caused by an allergic reaction to something. Here's are some articles about it. (this shows a chart w/ possible issues)


I have exactly the same problem with my dog and it is frustrating to get the same answer , dry skin . So I'm guessing she only has dry skin on her belly . No rash no fleas I'm beginning to think the problem is on the inside . Maybe it's vet time

Hi Kile, My dog has the same symptoms. I am also inclined to think that the issue is on the inside. Did you find out what was the reason that your dog was itching her belly? Thanks, Sonya

I have been to 4 different Vets including a dermatologist to help my poor little Rosie. She has the same issue. The sad thing is no one can give me an answer why. I feel so bad for her, I know she’s uncomfortable. I’m on limited income and can’t afford $350 every vet visit. What can I do for her?

Sonya, I had the third vet do a ultrasound on Rosie’s tummy. There was nothing there that would cause her scratching tummy so much. I truly wish I could get an answer For her. It’s so sad not getting one. I always hear this - try this for 2 weeks and come back. Every visit is at least $300.