
What do I give my dog for constipation?

I think my dog is constipated. His poops have been totally off and I have no idea why. What can I give him for this?

3 Answers

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Agreed with Deb - one of the dogs I regularly sit has constipation issues. He's a 30 pound pug and we give him one tablespoon of pumpkin puree each meal. It's effective and cheap, only costing ~$1/can. Another pup I sit uses Metamucil. However, it's important to discuss any changes in your dog's diet with your vet.


Dog constipation is defined as the inability to defecate normally. Much like humans, older dogs are more prone to this condition, though it can happen to any breed of dog at any age. Constipation in dogs should not be ignored, as extended periods of distress can cause serious health concerns.

Adding a little mineral oil to the dog's meal can help in these cases. The proper dosage for a dog is 1 tsp for every 11 lbs (5kg).


You might try just a spoonful of pure pumpkin (not pumpkin mix, no spices added). Also, monitor if water intake is normal. A dog may refuse or limit water if has painful UTI and that lessened hydration could cause constipation.