
Why does my dog have bloody diarrhea?

My dog looks really weak and low on energy. He also had bloody diarrhea! What do I do? Should I just let him rest or should give him something for this??

2 Answers

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It's always best to go to the vet whenever you see blood in your pup's stool. It could be as simple as a bad reaction to food, or something as fatal as Parvo. However, because your dog's behavior is affected (weak and low energy) that's even more reason to bring him to the vet - especially if he isn't drinking or eating. They'll be able to run tests and determine if it's due to a diet change, parasite, stress, etc and give you a treatment plan. Good luck and I hope your pup feels better soon!


That sounds like canine stomach flu, which could be fatal. The cause could be bacterial, viral, fun gal, or parasitic. The dog really should see a vet and the vet will likely want to examine a fecal sample, so if you have a fresh one that can be sealed in a clear zip top bag, bring it.