
Why does my dog shed so much all the time?

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3 Answers

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Like other people have said, it's a natural part of having a healthy coat. That being said, some breeds tend to shed more due to an undercoat (ex: Huskies). The best way to manage the shedding is active brushings - especially with brushes that reach the undercoat (ex: Furminator) and grooming products.


I agree. Even regular brushing may help. Humans lose hair regularly too. It's just what happens.


Shedding is a natural part of life for all animals with hair. Especially in the warmer months, your dog may seem to be shedding all over the house and on your clothing. Some dogs are prone to shedding, or there may be a medical reason behind it. Grooming and special shedding products can help keep the shedding problem to a minimum.